4-year-old who passed away after battling cancer told his mom that he will wait for her in heaven

When we are faced with difficult circumstances, we tend to lose hope and give up on ourselves. But, there are a handful of people who brave through such phases in life with a smile. Such people are true warriors and their courage cannot be matched. 4-year-old Nolan Scully is one among them. Though he might not have the understanding and maturity of an adult, little Nolan managed to console his mother, Ruth with his few words.
According to I Heart Intelligence, Nolan Scully who was diagnosed with rare soft tissue cancer told his mother that he would wait for her in heaven. The kid who was unaware of his medical complications showed unflinching courage and faith that stunned his heartbroken mother who knew his fight had reached the finish line.
Little Nolan was diagnosed when he was only 3 years old. His family who stood by the boy started a Facebook page that documented his journey. His dad Jonathan and his mother Ruth supported him as he bounced back with great willpower. “Every battle he’s had, he just bounced back, unbelievably,” You knocked him down, he just came back and ran,” said family friend Frank Bell. The boy who wanted to become a police officer was sworn in as an honorary police officer and was called Sergeant Rollin’ Nolan. Though in pain, Nolan continued to fight his illness with most of his days spent at the hospital. However, the worst was yet to come.
Frank Bell recalled the day when the oncologist informed them about his condition as they awaited his CT scan results. "She explained at this time she didn’t feel his Cancer was treatable as it had become resistant to all treatment options we had tried and the plan would be to keep him comfortable as he was deteriorating rapidly," said Frank Bell to Iheart Intelligence.
His family who was shocked to find that the little boy's condition was worsening, was in great sorrow. Nolan's mother who could not believe that it was time for her son to leave this world gathered all the strength to break the news to her little one. However, her boy did not show any fear but gave his mother the greatest assurance ever. She asked her little boy about his pain and told him he didn't have to fight his illness anymore. Nolan who rejoiced after hearing the news said, he would continue fighting against cancer just for his mother. In the heartbreaking conversation that was shared on Facebook by his mother, Ruth, she told the boy that she could only keep him safe in heaven. "Sooooo I’ll just go to Heaven and play until you get there! You’ll come, right?" replied Nolan to his mother. He said he would play in heaven until she came to meet him.
A few days later her dear son closed his eyes forever when she went in to have a shower. Ruth who was given the permission to take a quick shower did not realize that she would come out to see her son fighting for his life. Little Nolan was surrounded by a medical team as his body had slipped into a coma.
“I ran and jumped into bed with him and put my hand on the right side of his face. Then a miracle that I will never forget happened. My angel took a breath, opened his eyes, smiled at me and said ‘I Love You, Mommy,’ turned his head towards me at 11:54 pm Sgt. Rollin Nolan Scully passed away as I was singing ‘You are My Sunshine’ in his ear,” said his mother.
Ruth took to the Internet to share memories of her son through pictures and posts. "His last few days shined with how amazing my son is. How beautiful he is. How he was made of nothing but pure love. This may be long, but bear with me, it's agony unlike any other," wrote the mother on Facebook.