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A 9-year-old boy gave his last dollar to a 'homeless' man — what he received instead changed his life

Just one kind deed can strengthen the bonds between individuals and bind humanity together.
Representative image of a male beggar hands seeking money (Cover image source: Getty Images/master1305 )
Representative image of a male beggar hands seeking money (Cover image source: Getty Images/master1305 )

Compassion and empathy have become scarce in a world where selfless acts aren't the norm. But acts of kindness done without expecting anything in return could ultimately turn out to be rewarding. When a nine-year-old youngster in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, handed a millionaire his last dollar, he thought of the man as homeless. It all happened when the millionaire Matt Busbice heard a fire alarm and hurried out of his home.

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Fortunately, he soon discovered that it was a false alarm and he went to a local cafe, placed his order, and stepped outside for his morning prayer. It was in that peaceful moment that nine-year-old Kelvin Ellis Jr. approached him and handed him a dollar. Ellis recalled, "I said, 'Excuse me, sir, are you homeless? Because if you are, here's a dollar.'" He added that helping a homeless person had always been a dream of his. Busbice, the owner of BuckFeather, a sporting goods store in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, remarked that he had never felt wealthier than on the day a single dollar was handed to him. "I haven't had that much faith in humanity in a very long time," he said.

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The young boy clarified that the dollar he gave away was the only money he had at the time and was a reward for his good grades. Profoundly touched by the gesture, Busbice brought Ellis inside for a snack and also spoke with his father, before promising to keep in touch. Busbice also gave Ellis a special reward for his generosity by taking him for a 40-second shopping spree at BuckFeather, during which he could choose anything he wanted. As reported by CBS News, Ellis acknowledged that while he was grateful for the gesture, it wasn't exactly what he had in mind when he gave over his last dollar. Busbice said, "If you give, you're actually going to get more out of that. I couldn't grasp that as a kid. And if we can spread that around, everything changes."


Ellis received not just a reward from Busbice, but also widespread praise from netizens, who took to social media to commend his act of kindness. In the comment section of the video, one Instagram user, @katieeleee, wrote, "This was so heartwarming!!! And to hear you were praying in the corner... What a sweet young man Kelvin is, and what a great role model you are. I teach first grade and know firsthand how we need more positive examples in the world. The Lord is using you in big ways." Another person, @farrynmonet, commented, "This story popped up in my suggested news. Omg. It's so beautiful! The fact that he was willing to give his last... and the fact that you are so devoted that you found somewhere to pray!!! This is the best story I've heard in a long time. Thank you for sharing."


The little boy formed an unexpected connection and even inspired the millionaire when he set out to perform a small act of kindness.

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