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A baby dropped his bottle into an Orangutan enclosure. How the ape reacted took everyone by surprise.

According to the Los Angeles Zoo’s official website, orangutans share 97 percent of their DNA with humans.
Representational image of zoo visitors behind a glass plate at the orangutan enclosure in Gelsenkirchen, Germany. (Image Source: Photo by Mario Hommes/DeFodi Images via Getty Images)
Representational image of zoo visitors behind a glass plate at the orangutan enclosure in Gelsenkirchen, Germany. (Image Source: Photo by Mario Hommes/DeFodi Images via Getty Images)

For a very long time now, animals have been loyal companions to human beings, bringing us love, comfort, and joy. Their actions and body language say a lot, even if they are unable to speak like us. One of the best examples of this was seen in February 2023, when an orangutan made news worldwide with a viral video showcasing its exceptional ability to solve problems. This incident occurred when CaShawna Wright, her 1-year-old son Cruse, and a friend visited the Los Angeles Zoo.


They were instantly drawn to the zoo's orangutan exhibit as soon as they spotted it. Excited by looking at the apes, Cruse accidentally threw his bottle on the ground, where it bounced and rolled into a nearby pool of water only a few feet from the fence around the exhibit. As reported by Yahoo! Life, they were shocked to see an orangutan standing on the opposite side, carefully observing the bottle and Wright's friend quickly called the zoo's front office to report what had happened.

The video went on to show the orangutan skillfully bringing the bottle closer through the fence by rolling up some loose paper into a makeshift tool. The ape eventually caught the bottle and was cheered on by the people present there, as reported by People Magazine. In addition to that, the orangutan also drank from the bottle, enjoying the apple juice. Wright's video ended up going viral on social media, with thousands of comments, millions of views, and countless likes. Talking about the incident, Wright said, “I didn’t expect what happened next. I was thinking in my mind, oh my gosh, this is something my dad would love to see.”


The woman also revealed that she called the zoo after her family reached home to ensure that the primate was doing well. She said, "The orangutan is fine ... They did say she was in observation but she is no longer in observation ... she is fine, beautiful, 100 percent healthy." She also confirmed that she did not bring the bottle back with her. She said, "I know y'all see that water. Once that bottle touched that water, that bottle was dead to me." Wright added that although the video is unquestionably adorable it will encourage viewers to learn more about the dire situation of endangered animals and the disastrous effects that deforestation has on wildlife.


She wrote, “In an ideal world, they will be living in Indonesia, in the rainforest, but they don't really have that to live in because of deforestation. We need to treat the world and our animal friends better. Like, we are the human animal. We’re part of the same genus [species]." Orangutans, known for their extensive use of tools, have a long history of such behaviors. According to the L.A. Zoo's website, these primates share 97 percent of their DNA with humans. In the wild, they’ve been observed using rakes to probe termite nests, measure the depth of water, and reach high-hanging fruits.

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