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Bizarre optical illusion of friends holding their drinks has everyone asking the same question

While there are several optical illusions out there, few are captivating enough to go viral.
Screenshot of the optical illusion (Cover Image Source: X | @JenMsft)
Screenshot of the optical illusion (Cover Image Source: X | @JenMsft)

Optical illusions occur when the signals between the eyes and the brain get mixed up, making people see things that aren't there. Even though there are countless optical illusions on the internet, the most recent one that went viral has drawn everyone in with its playful mystery. The image's flaw is that only three of the four people enjoying whisky are visible to the majority of viewers. At first glance, people see a man wearing a hat who appears to be clinking whisky bottles with just two of his friends.


Although it initially seems like only three people are present, there are four drinks in the image. After a closer look, viewers notice a hidden sleeve attached to a blue-gloved hand on the left side of the photo. Once they spot it, they're never able to unsee it. As the image resurfaced on social media, particularly on X (formerly Twitter), people were taking a moment to figure out where the fourth friend was hiding. One X user, @pelamutunzi, commented, "After all the clues, I am afraid to announce I have not seen the fourth person. I have tried but guess I need ghost googles."


Another person, @Truxillogical, wrote, "I had to look twice. I was staring right at the glove and wondering if they’d made a funny set-up with glue or something." Similarly, a third X user with the username @kimaniMarkfey commented, "My brain felt all mushy trying to break what it is that I was seeing...😅 Camouflage." Another person, @eddgrundy, chimed in with a joke as he wrote, "That reminds me of an old joke, the sergeant said to the private, I didn't see you at the camouflage training this morning, the private said, thank you, sergeant." From trending videos to heated social media discussions, there are a few reliable things that always make their way around the internet, and without a doubt, optical illusions are one of them.


These illusions demonstrate how the mind may be deceived and provide an intriguing look into how we view the world. It explains how the brain interprets visual information such as light that is captured by the eyes. But sometimes the signals are mixed up, resulting in flawed impressions. While some illusions focus on more complex cognitive tricks, others use contrast, perspective, and light bending to trick the brain. The types of optical illusions are infinite, including disorienting patterns that divert your attention to seemingly simple images that spark bizarre conspiracy theories.


Meanwhile, apart from this one, another strange photo has gone viral, leaving people utterly confused. At first glance, the image of women sitting and smiling on a sofa seems normal like a typical snapshot reposted on Instagram when old school friends reunite. However, when one takes a closer look, they realize that there's something off. While there appear to be six women posing for the camera, there are only five sets of legs. It might make the viewer think the third woman from the left has a legless torso, but that’s not the case.

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