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Brave teen used slingshot to hit kidnapper on his head and saved 8-year-old sister from abduction

"I believe (the teen) saved his sister's either life or from something seriously bad happening to her," Lt. John Grimshaw said.
Representative image showing a slingshot (Cover Image Source: Pixabay | Photo by 6946758)
Representative image showing a slingshot (Cover Image Source: Pixabay | Photo by 6946758)

A suspect from Alpena, age 17, has been accused in connection with the attempted abduction of a little child, age 8. According to Michigan State Police, the defendant was taken into custody on Wednesday, May 10, not long after attempting to kidnap the victim from her backyard. According to, the alleged attacker was detained by the Michigan State Police near Alpena. Although he has been charged as an adult, the 17-year-old's name has not been made public.

The girl had been looking for mushrooms in her garden when an unidentified person suddenly emerged from the bushes, grabbed the youngster, and covered her mouth, according to a Michigan State Police press release. "The suspect had come through the woods onto the property and came from behind her, grabbed her like you'd see in the movies โ€”hand over the mouth, arm around the waistโ€”and was attempting to pull her into the woods," Lt. John Grimshaw with the Michigan State Police told ABC Traverse City affiliate WGTU.

The victim succeeded in emancipating herself from the suspect. Her 13-year-old brother saw the attempted kidnapping and used a slingshot to shoot the suspect in the head and chest before he ran away. Calling her teen brother's actions "extraordinary," Grimshaw told WGTU, "I believe (the teen) saved his sister's either life or from something seriously bad happening to her." He added, "He should be commended for it."

Another family member witnessed the culprit escape the scene, and they gave authorities his description so they could start hunting for him. Eventually, the guy was located skulking at a neighboring gas station. Based on the suspect's description, police ultimately detained the 17-year-old. Authorities said that the teenager had obvious slingshot wounds, at the time of his arrest, according to TODAY.

Police said that the defendant confessed to them during a detective interrogation that he intended to beat the youngster badly. The suspect was arrested and sent to the Alpena County Jail, where he was charged with one count of attempted kidnapping/child seduction, one count of attempted assault to cause grievous bodily injury less than murder, and one count of assault and battery on Thursday, May 11. 


The suspect is being charged as an adult even though they are both minors. His bond was set at $150,000 cash surety. On May 17, he will return to court for a probable cause hearing. The case not only led to stringent security in residential areas for the kids but also ignited a strong fan base for the brave teen who helped his sibling and showed courage without getting threatened in a situation where even adults take time to think and act.


The swift action was lauded by the community and netizens over the internet when the news of the foiling of a kidnapping of a child went live. Since the case involves minors, the identities of the assailant and the siblings will remain guarded for their security.

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