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Colourblind Man Amazed After Seeing Colours Through Corrective Glasses | “It’s So Many Colours. It’s So Real”

A video was uploaded on the internet where a colorblind man sees colors for the first time.
Cover Image Source: Reddit | u/QuicklyThisWay
Cover Image Source: Reddit | u/QuicklyThisWay

The joy of life is in the colors. We need color everywhere, and we tend to prefer the brightest things because they are attractive and bring us joy in numerous ways. However, not everyone experiences this joy every day. Colors are not visible to people who are colorblind. People who are colorblind can also see the beautiful colors we have around thanks to the invention of corrective glasses. A video was shared on Reddit, where a colorblind man could see colors for the first time because of corrective glasses. 

The video begins with the man pointing to a bowl on the dining table and saying, "this is really red." Further, another man in the background asks him to look behind and sees balls hanging behind him and he says "so this is like super green." After a pause, that man points out at the blue ball and says, "this is blue." Man's excitement is evident in the video he looks at the things and says, "It's kind of like actually mindblowing," and points out at a purple color keyboard and says, "this is purple." After seeing all the colors and naming them he says, "I can't believe it." Another man in the background says, "believe it." Explaining what he felt after watching the colors he said, "I can't believe it, I can't believe it. It's so many colors in it. It's so real." At the end of the video, the man points to a cow painting right in front of him and says, "Look at the cow, man. This is spectacular." 


Reacting to this video many users on Reddit commented. Some questioned the authenticity of the video because the man in the video was able to name all the colors correctly. One of the users whose username was jmmorart317 wrote, "That’s what I was thinking. How can he know what blue, green, red, purple looks like if he spent his life not decerning their appearance? This a serious question." mellowmarsII wrote, "I admit I was skeptical for a sec, but I imagine they’ve conversed over colors of familiar items a gazillion times (as people tended to w/ my green/red blind friend); & we’re also unaware of the subtle deviations from colors he experienced before & in which he may have developed a pattern attached to a color name. I really do think this is genuine." 

Image Source: Reddit/ u/QuicklyThisWay
Image Source: Reddit |  u/QuicklyThisWay

Some commented about how the room could have been a little more colorful so that the man could have enjoyed his moment. chantillylace9 wrote, "It’s the least colorful apartment ever, and I wish they would’ve gotten some colorful balloons for him or something, but these videos are just always so heartwarming." sonerec725 wrote, "The man might have just broken down crying if it was more colorful lol." 

Image Source: Reddit/ u/QuicklyThisWay
Image Source: Reddit/ u/QuicklyThisWay
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