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Couple who fell in love in the ER name their first baby after the hospital where they met

'You should really name the baby Cooper since you met here,' said a friend to the couple.
Couple holding baby; Representative Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Jose Luis Pelaez Inc
Couple holding baby; Representative Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Jose Luis Pelaez Inc

Love comes to us in the most unexpected places. This happened to Emily Salerno McDavitt, 35, and Adam McDavitt, 40. They met in 2015 in an Emergency Room of a New Jersey hospital. Now, they're celebrating their first Valentine's Day as a family of three after welcoming their son, whom they aptly named after the hospital where they met, reported PEOPLE.


Emily was a registered nurse at Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center and applied to work in the emergency department. And their first meeting was during a peer review! "Adam was actually very serious that day," Emily told PEOPLE, adding he "had a full assignment of patients" on top of having to do the interview. But that did not stop him from being impressed with Emily. 

The attraction was mutual and then began some flirting. But they did not start seeing each other right away. "I just had a rule about not dating people I worked with," Adam said. 

Representative Image Source: Getty Image | ONOKY - Fabrice LEROUGE
Man and woman staring at each other and smiling; Representative Image Source: Getty Image | ONOKY - Fabrice LEROUGE

But fate wanted them to be together. Adam resigned from the hospital in 2016 to become a police officer. A few months later, they got back in touch after an emergency room encounter. "I came in to work one night and I was getting a report on my patients and it turned out that one of my patients was a fellow officer of Adam's," Emily recalled. "That's how we reconnected."

However, their romance had to wait for the Christmas Emergency Room party. Emily said, "I was texting with him and I said, "You've got to come to the Christmas party.'"

Adam was uncertain if he wanted to attend and then Emily gave him the incentive to join. "I said, 'Well, I'll leave you with this, I'll be wearing a slightly inappropriate-for-work dress. I hope you can attend,'" Emily said. That was all it took. "I said to my brother, 'I'm going out,'" Adam recalled.

"Thank God for that red dress," remarked Emily. 

From the beginning of their relationship, the couple had a "really nice courtship" with "no hiccups," Emily said, "There was just full trust from the very beginning." She added, "I still don't know the password to Adam's phone, that's how wonderful this relationship has been from the very beginning."

Representative Image Source: Getty Image | Morsa Images
Woman hugging man from behind; Representative Image Source: Getty Image | Morsa Images

In 2020, Adam was ready to propose and he came up with an idea to surprise Emily. On the pretense of going to work, Adam went back to their place while she was out with his family and got out 800 battery-operated candles. As they both loved gaming, he put her ring in a little treasure chest, like in The Legend of Zelda.

Representative Image Source: Getty Image | John Slater
Ring in a box; Representative Image Source: Getty Image | John Slater

Appositely, after saying "I do" on July 23, 2021, the couple went back to where it all started. "The only place that I really, truly wanted to go to take a picture with me and he was actually right in front of the hospital," said Emily. 

In April 2022, the couple found out they would become parents. As for the baby's name, a friend of the couple said, "You should really name the baby Cooper since you met here.'" Emily said, "Right away we loved it, and we knew it was absolutely perfect."

Getty Images | DEV IMAGES
Baby feet; Representative Image Source: Getty Images | DEV IMAGES

Baby Cooper was born on January 9, 2023. The family of three celebrated Valentine's Day together and they got each other gifts.

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