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Drowning woman gets rescued by Olympic kite surfer who was testing his gear in dramatic footage

A two-time Pan American Games champion and Olympian, Bruno Lobo’s skill on the water is outstanding.
Bruno Lobo rescuing the woman in dramatic footage (Cover Image Source: Bruno Lobo | Instagram)
Bruno Lobo rescuing the woman in dramatic footage (Cover Image Source: Bruno Lobo | Instagram)

Sportspersons are often seen as heroes by their fans, but few display courage and pull off heroic feats beyond the field. Bruno Lobo, Brazil’s kite sailing star, was in seventh place in the men’s Formula Kite event at the 2024 Paris Olympics. A two-time Pan American Games champion, Lobo’s skill on the water is undeniable. But on January 10th, 2024, during his regular training off the coast of São Luís, Brazil, he dived in to help a woman who was drowning in the open ocean. After jumping into the sea, he pulled her onto his back and carried her to the shore safely.

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He later posted the self-recorded video on his Instagram account on Sunday, January 12. As reported by People Magazine, he wrote, “The day that God used me as an instrument to save this young woman, all honor and glory to Him ☝🏻🙏🏻.” Later, the woman is seen returning to the beach with her friends, apparently unharmed, while two lifeguards run over to help. After giving Lobo a heartfelt hug, she finally turned to leave. While recalling the rescue story, Lobo wrote, “I went in at 17:40 to do the last test on the camera, it was a cloudy day, wind conditions were not the best, but I decided to test the support that had arrived, it was the first day using this material, I put the camera to record and headed to the coast.”

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He added, “After sailing a few meters I heard a cry for help and looked at the girl who was drowning, I quickly approached her with the kite, I tried to calm her down, and asked her to climb on my back, she was quite tired and powerless, I used the equipment to bring her safely to the sand where the lifeguards performed the first aid at the seaside and thanks to God everything went well 🙏🏻 🙌🏻.” The Olympian also alerted others about the dangers of the ocean. “Stay alert about the danger of the sea, rivers, and anywhere you don't know because the current in some places is usually very strong,” he wrote.

Bruno Lobo at Marseille Marina on July 08, 2023, in France. (Image Source: Getty Images | Photo By Clive Mason)
Bruno Lobo at Marseille Marina on July 08, 2023, in France. (Image Source: Getty Images | Photo By Clive Mason)

World Sailing, the sport’s governing body, praised Lobo’s heroic rescue effort in an Instagram post. Lobo responded humbly as his social media accounts were flooded with compliments, thanking everyone for their good sentiments and stressing that he only did what anyone in his position should do. His post also received an emotional comment from the woman who he helped.

Kite surfing had its Olympic debut when Lobo competed in the 2024 Olympics in Paris. The event was held on the island of Teahupo'o in Tahiti.

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Despite his impressive efforts, Lobo didn’t secure a spot on the podium at the 2024 Paris Olympics, as reported by Us Weekly. In his Instagram post, he wrote, "I end[ed] my participation in the 7th position, I came to bring a medal to Brazil 🇧🇷, but it didn’t happen this time, that’s what sport is like.” However, Lobo won gold medals at the 2019 Pan American Games in Lima, Peru, and again at the 2023 edition in Santiago, Chile. Yet, his greatest ambition is to secure Olympic gold for Brazil. Lobo also specializes in knee surgery as an experienced orthopedic doctor.

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