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Employee’s Caution Against Making Work a Priority Over Personal Life Goes Viral

This TikToker has some harsh truths for those who let their employment rule their lives.
Image Source: bigtajjj/TikTok
Image Source: bigtajjj/TikTok

For decades, work-life balance has been a challenge for many. However, the meaning of ‘work-life balance’ differs for everyone. People's conception of work-life balance is based on the idea that it's preferable to be able to handle personal matters during working hours rather than having to ask for time off or justify our actions to superiors. For others, it might mean equally dividing the time between professional and personal activities. 

Image Source: bigtajjj/TikTok
Image Source: bigtajjj/TikTok

But most people end up having no balance at all and are exhausted due to the constant hustle. Recently, a TikToker uploaded a video saying, “Don’t let your job consume your entire life.” On June 23, Taja (@bigtajjj) uploaded a video in which she detailed how her bosses mistreated and fired her despite the fact that she has consistently exceeded all of their financial expectations. She cautioned her audience against working excessive hours for unappreciative employers and urged them to pursue interests outside of work.

Taja says, “If you get your ass up, you get in the shower, you get ready for work, you come home, you make dinner, and you go to sleep, then your job is consuming your life”. She adds, “Now the reason why I am saying this is because if something were to happen to you tomorrow, the only thing the company is going to do is send a flower arrangement to your funeral, and then they are going to make a post to get you replaced.”

Image Source: bigtajjj/TikTok
Image Source: bigtajjj/TikTok

According to the video, Taja earned $600,000 in nine months for one employer but was faced with animosity and jealousy by another employee. Later, she was informed that the woman "ain't going anywhere" and the company could not take any action. The creator also said that she produced $1.2 million in a single day for another firm but was let go because the owner was unable to manage a conflict between the originator and other workers.

Taja said that she has just adopted a new way of life in which her health and happiness come before her professional obligations. “So what I do now, I get up about 6:30 in the morning, sometimes it’s earlier, whenever my body wakes me up. So I get up and usually go to the gym, I usually come home and meditate, I might journal a little bit. Hell, I might even do some TikTok content,” she adds. She went on to say that when her job isn't satisfying, she takes time to relax by reading, watching television, and going to the park, and she encouraged people to do the same.

The video received 194.3k views and 29.3k likes, along with comments from users who related to Taja’s situation. “I started taking more time off. You not about to stress me,” one user commented. “This is why I don’t give a 2 weeks notice & take ALL my time off… STRAIGHT BARE MINIMUM ENERGY .. do my job, ain’t making no friends there & GO HOME,” to this comment the creator replied, “Hell they pay the bare minimum…you just match the energy and I love that for you !”.

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