Girl Afraid of the Dark Writes a Super Cute Letter Thanking Power Workers for Turning the Lights Back On

Children have the most exceptional souls. They will never forget the kindness they are shown. In a world where even saying thank you can be difficult, these children are demonstrating why we should be grateful and kind to those who provide us with basic necessities.
Children each have their own way of expressing their thoughts and emotions; many say it aloud, others shower you with hugs and kisses, and some prefer to write it down. And who doesn't love a handwritten letter? Although social media has penetrated our lives trying to replace handwritten letters these stories make us realize why handwritten letters still mean so much and receiving them comes with so much joy.
A story of a little girl came to light on Reddit, after her parent shared how she'd written a handwritten letter to the power workers. In the letter, she expressed how thankful she was to them and explained that she is afraid of the dark. In a very adorable way, she explained how she spent her time when there was no power.
She wrote: "Thanks power workers, thank you for helping us get the power on. I don't like being in the dark, because it's a little scary. But we lit candles and played board games. Thank you! Thank you for fixing the power. I loved 'The Incredibles.' You are superheroes!" She signed off the letter as 'Ken.'

Ken also drew a cute pink heart which we think definitely added a little more cuteness to the letter. On the other side of the paper, she drew power workers with colorful pencils and again didn't forget to draw two hearts.
In the post caption, the girl's parent shared that the child is 4 years old. They wrote: "After our power went out, and was fixed by the power workers, my daughter (4) wanted to write them a letter (I was simply the transcriber)."

The post is winning the hearts of all the social media users who came across this beautiful letter by little Ken. Many shared their views and what they thought about this cute and thoughtful gesture by Ken. One user named KiwiAlexP claimed he himself was working for a fire company and wrote, "As someone working for a power company I can definitely say that our crews would love to receive this type of thank you. And being a line mechanic is a good career - mostly men but more and more women are joining."
Another user appreciated Ken's handwriting, cupboarddee wrote, "My goodness that handwriting is sooooooo nice!" M_Mich wrote, "Crews would be happy to see it. if she makes another for the CEO it would be something they’d show in a regular all-hands video call. They’d cover customer satisfaction and then show this to remind people of the benefits of our efforts."