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Hero mom stung more than 75 times during bee attack — her quick thinking saved the children

The mom rushed her children into a nearby car before taking "the brunt of the stings."
Representative image of a bee (Cover Image Source: Pexels | Oktavianus Mulyadi)
Representative image of a bee (Cover Image Source: Pexels | Oktavianus Mulyadi)

A mom in Arizona is being hailed as a hero for getting her children safely into their car after being chased by a swarm of bees. She and her two children were attacked by bees during a family photoshoot but her "quick thinking" helped protect them, according to The Arizona Fire and Medical Authority (AFMA). The three of them were in the Buckeye Valley area when the incident occurred. The mom who remains anonymous rushed her children into a nearby car before taking "the brunt of the stings," according to a Facebook post from the agency. 


“The crews used foam to calm the bees and rescue the children from the car,” the AFMA said in a statement. “The mother’s quick thinking saved the children from being stung.” AFMA also released the chilling 911 call by a woman said to be the kids' grandmother, who reported the attack to a Phoenix dispatcher per PEOPLE. In the call, she can be heard saying, "Please hurry. Please hurry. My daughter can't get in the car. She's being attacked by bees." She later added, "My granddaughters are with her. Please send some help."


The mother was stung more than 75 times, according to the AFMA, and was transported to a local hospital. The children were unharmed and the mother is said to have since recovered. 


The AFMA also shared a video where firefighters used foam to tranquilize the bees and bring the children out of the car. "If you are attacked by bees getting inside to a safe place is key," the agency said in the post. "Run in a straight line, cover your face, and get to shelter. Never get into the water and do not fight the bees."


Victims should never attempt to enter a body of water. "The bees will wait for you to come up for air," according to the University of Arizona. "The most important thing to do is RUN away as fast as possible. Try to find shelter as soon as possible. Take refuge in a house, tent, or car with the windows and doors closed." Victims should not fight the bees, either. "The more you flail your arms, the madder they will get," the University of Arizona said. "Once you are away from the bees, take a second and evaluate the situation. If you have been stung more than 15 times, or if you are having any symptoms other than local pain and swelling, seek medical attention immediately. If you see someone else being stung or think others are in danger, call 911 immediately," they added.


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