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Internet is struggling to spot the cat hidden amongst raccoons — but it's not as easy as it looks

Solve this puzzle by yourself or make it into a competition by getting your family involved.
The image that has been baffling people on social media (Cover image source: Gergely Dudás - Dudolf | Blogspot)
The image that has been baffling people on social media (Cover image source: Gergely Dudás - Dudolf | Blogspot)

Staying at home during the pandemic has made people explore ways to entertain themselves at home for hours. There is only so much television that we can watch or bread that we can bake. Following the internet trends can get boring after a while, and most of us would have given up on social media after some time. There are some forms of entertainment that are evergreen but would also need our participation. Whether it's gardening, reading, or solving puzzles, these hobbies are classics and have been shared between families for generations.

There is a reason why they endure. If you are looking for ways to pass your time or just relax after a hard day's work, puzzles are a great way to do so. They stimulate our brains and keep us sharp. The effects of solving puzzles can be long-term and might be able to help us have better spatial reasoning over time. It is a great stimulant for kids and seniors alike, which is why it also makes it a great hobby that can be shared between people of all ages.

For instance, why not have a competition between family members about who solves the most number of puzzles first? Many of us might be used to having some friendly competition within the family, and it never hurts anyone.

If you are, indeed, looking for ways to keep your family entertained, this puzzle by visual puzzle creator Gergely Dudás is a great one to start with. Within this image lies a cat hidden in plain sight. You might feel like the raccoons are taunting you but focus on finding the cat first.

The puzzle with a cat among raccoons (Image source: Gergely Dudás - Dudolf/Blogspot)

Have you been able to spot the cat yet? It may not be as easy to spot as you think. 

If you are looking for a hint, the answer lies in the markings on the face. The cat's markings look quite unlike those of the raccoons. 

Are you still searching for that sly cat? If yes, then here is another clue. The cat is hidden towards the bottom of the image. 

You have probably solved this mystery by now. If not, scroll down for the solution.


The cat in the picture spotted (Image source: Gergely Dudás - Dudolf/Blogspot)
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