Mom stunned as kids order toys worth $700 for Christmas through her credit card linked to Alexa

Before you know it, Christmas will be here and the season of love, joy, and presents will descend upon you. Adults will enjoy spending time with their loved ones while the youngsters will set about ripping open the presents they find under the tree and thanking Santa for visiting. However, for this family from Detroit, Michigan, the festival came much earlier thanks to the two naughty kids, though it wasn't pleasant for their mother. After all, the two had spent nearly $700 (£500) buying gifts from Amazon without their mom knowing.
Veronica Estell was shocked when she was greeted by a delivery driver who had a load of packages for her. She honestly believed that an anonymous, generous donor was behind the boxes of PJ Masks toys, Barbie dolls, LOL Surprise figurines, and a pack of 48 batteries that had just been delivered to her. However, that notion was quickly dismissed when she realized her kids had a hand in this, according to Metro UK.
She discovered that her six-year-old daughter, Aryssa, and four-year-old son, Cam, had instructed Alexa, a virtual assistant developed by Amazon, to buy the toys not realizing that the device was linked to her credit card. In the video she posted, she is seen confronting and scolding the two kids and their reactions are adorable.
Captioning the post was her statement, "UPS showed up with boxes of gifts and all it had on the shipping tag was my name. So I’m like, okay who sent all these great gifts! Whoever it is got moneyyyy. Then I get ANOTHER knock on the door from UPS so I asked him who sent this stuff? He didn’t know! So I come back in and my 6yr old says 'Cam! Our package came that we ordered from ALEXA!!' LAWDDDDD these crazy ass kids done did their own Christmas shopping and ALEXA helped them and used MY BANK CARD."
In the video, the astonished mother can be heard saying, "Come here, Cam. Cam, you order this **** off of Amazon, off of Alexa?" Her daughter, Aryssa, has a guilty look in her eyes saying, "He told me to." Veronica then asks them, "He told you to, and you listened to a damn four-year-old? Do you know how much money ya'll just spent." Leaving the two alone, the mother-of-three steps outside muttering, "these **** kids, they ordered their own Christmas ****" before opening her garage to reveal a Barbie Dreamhouse box. Grumbling about the price of the toy, she then heads back inside and as she goes through the boxes, asks her two eldest children if they ordered her anything.
"Did you order me anything? How the hell did you forget to order me something and you used my damn credit card? Hello? Hello? LOL Suprise? Do you know how much this **** costs?" she asks to which her daughter replied, "No." It turns out the two little ones didn't order anything for their younger sibling as well.
And as their mother continued to scold them, she asks, "And what the hell is this? Batteries? You ordered a ****load... I'm whooping ya'll ass." At that last statement, Aryssa starts to cry before dropping to the floor. Not wanting her daughter be upset, Veronica consoles her saying, "Don't cry. I'm not going to whoop ya'll ass, but this is crazy. Do you know how much money ya'll spent? Seven hundred dollars, off of my money."
As both kids sit on the floor, she tells them: "Smile for ya'll mugshot because ya'll are fraudulent. I'm taking you to jail. This is credit card fraud. I'm telling ya'll daddy." Her daughter then begins to cry again as the video ends.
Veronica did inform Amazon about the mistake and was ready to return the products for a refund. However, she was in for a surprise. She wrote in an update according to Mirror UK.
Well, it looks like this Christmas is a memorable one for the Estell family, one that they might just have a good laugh about in the years to come.