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Poor boy holds a sign that says 'please help bury my mama.' Then, the community stepped up for him.

Life has not been kind to this young man, but he has stood brave and tall in the face of adversity after his mom's death.
Boy holding a heartbreaking sign (Cover Image Source: GoFundme| Jennifer Grissom)
Boy holding a heartbreaking sign (Cover Image Source: GoFundme| Jennifer Grissom)

Different people have different upbringings. And for Kayden Ely, his life has always been filled with hardships that many people cannot even imagine. His mother, Shannon Mount, was a single parent who was a straight shooter and loved her child more than anything. They did not have a lot of financial means, but Kayden loved his mother. So, when she passed away, one can only imagine the mental state the 11-year-old must have been in. But he never got the time to grieve his devastating loss, instead, he was busy running around and hoping to raise enough money for a proper burial, as reported by Goalcast.

Widow bringing roses to a grave in a cemetery - (stock photo: Getty Images | Photo by Andrew Bret Wallis)
Representative image of a person in a cemetery - (Stock photo: Getty Images | Photo by Andrew Bret Wallis)

Shannon had suffered a cardiac arrest and was admitted to a hospital where she held on to her life for 8 days before succumbing. Before the funeral costs came in, Kayden had to take the immense stress of paying the medical facility for keeping his mother until she drew her final breath. With no solution in sight, he had to resort to extreme measures. The 11-year-old was dead set on giving his mother a proper funeral, but the lack of funds forced him to make a sign and stand on the side of a road, hoping people, to notice him and help him out. "Please help bury my mama," the sign read, per 11Alive. With everything going on in today's world, humanity often takes a back seat, but on this occasion, people rushed to help him.


Several people donated and offered their condolences to the boy and even helped set up a hot dog stand so that he could earn some money. His story was shared on social media and with radio stations to help bring more attention to his cause. An anonymous donor even called in and offered to pay for the cost of a burial plot. Also, the funeral home called Good Shepherd gave him a sizeable discount. But that was not the end of his troubles. Kayden was 11 years old when all this happened. He still had his whole life ahead of him and had just lost the one person who provided for him. That's where his cousin, Jennifer Grissom (Jennifer Fife), came in and saved the day. She started a GoFundMe campaign and raised over $84,000.


This money was used by Grissom to buy his little cousin everything that every kid of his age needs - clothes, food, school supplies and even a college fund for the future. She wrote on the page that she had taken him to Walmart to buy him a bed set and some supplies. These supplies were as basic as toothbrushes, pillows, and pillowcases. But Kayden had grown up in poverty and had rarely known how using these items felt. As a result, he was thankful for everything that other kids might even consider to be good gift items.


The 11-year-old showed how thankful he was to everyone by offering hotdogs and drinks for free to the people of his community. He also appeared in a video posted on Facebook by her cousin and thanked everyone for their love and support in these difficult times. Jennifer was also moved by the response and she too thanked everyone who helped in whatever way possible. "We want to thank everybody that stopped," she said. "You know, there were some people who just wanted to give him a hug or some people who wanted to pray with him and tell him they're sorry for his loss," she said in the video.

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