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Retired teacher helps a man short on cash buy groceries — she had no idea he's a 4-time Grammy winner

Ruth Reeds' resolution to help someone every week at the Wawa store led her to pay for snacks of a music icon.
Ruth Reed sharing her story at a talkshow. (Cover image source: YouTube /Pickler and Ben)
Ruth Reed sharing her story at a talkshow. (Cover image source: YouTube /Pickler and Ben)

Fans are often seen lining up to meet their beloved musicians and even buy expensive passes to get as close to popular artists during concerts. But a convenience store is the last place one would expect to run into a rockstar. Ruth Reed, a retired school teacher from Medford, was shopping at a Wawa store when she noticed that a stranger ahead of her was low on cash and had issues with his credit card. She quickly stepped in to help the man out of kindness, without even realizing that the man was actually country singer Keith Urban. She later realized who she had helped out and her experience went viral on social media. 


The story shared in Reed's Facebook post, which is now private, was shared by one of her students. Reed worked as a substitute teacher in South Jersey and was always known for her kindness. She also has a resolution to help one person every week at the Wawa store. In her post, Reed wrote, "This man was short a few dollars, he asked a lady with him if she had money. I jumped in and said I would pay and explained why. He thanked me and asked my name. I asked him his, and he told me it was Keith". Reed further mentioned that she did think that the man looked like the country star Keith Urban but did not believe it until he insisted that he was indeed the singer. The four-time Grammy winner was traveling with his sister for a concert in Camden scheduled later that night.

Reed also added that she confirmed Urban's identity through his bodyguard, and referred to the situation as “Another Ruth Reed moment!” She later asked Keith Urban for a picture, to which he graciously agreed. Reed also went to Pickler and Ben's show to share her experience and viewers who knew her commented on her kindness. User @maddiegrace1458 mentioned, "I know her she works at my school. She's so nice and kind, and it's so school to know that someone I know did something so nice for someone". Another viewer @cherylmoser4481 commented, "Ruthie, you are a true Gem!!!" followed by a user who wrote, "She is my inspiration when I get older!!! YesSSS RUTHIE."


Reed shared that she has received a lot of messages from people, sharing how they would also do the same thing as her. To conclude the interview, she said, "No matter what anybody says, I believe that we are kind to each other. And I come to realize that sometimes we do not notice and appreciate the kindnesses that happen to us every day, and we need to appreciate those more."

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