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Scientists inspecting a gas line 3,000 feet underwater come across an unexpected deep sea visitor

Despite numerous efforts, humans still haven't fully analyzed the depths of the ocean due to its vastness.
Representative Image of underwater equipment | Image Source: Getty Images/ Gremlin
Representative Image of underwater equipment | Image Source: Getty Images/ Gremlin

The ocean is home to a number of mysteries that are still unexplored and scientists are gradually solving them as they descend deeper into it. Despite these attempts, humans still don't fully understand the ocean's depths due to its vastness. This was proven in 2006 when a group of scientists traveled to a depth of 3,000 feet to examine a gas pipeline and came across a massive sperm whale.

A representative image of a sperm whale. (Image Source: Getty Images | Photo By LindaMarieB)
A representative image of a sperm whale. (Image Source: Getty Images | Photo By LindaMarieB)

A video from the deep-sea expedition has surfaced online, showing scientists examining a gas pipeline owned by Helix Energy Solutions when their mission was interrupted by a massive sea creature. Captured by the Canyon Offshore ROV, the footage shows the giant sperm whale suddenly appearing on camera, as reported by Ladbible. Many may be surprised to learn that these colossal mammals can dive to such depths, though it’s not the deepest that a whale has ventured. According to the Natural History Museum, the record for the deepest that a whale has dived goes to a Cuvier's beaked whale.


As for the sperm whale, many online users marveled at how incredible it is to find such an animal so far beneath the ocean's surface. One X user, Non Pico, commented, "Of course, new discoveries are always happening because we are not fully aware of all living beings on this planet. We have yet to fully explore the ocean. We know so little about our own planet, and yet we're already discussing the universe." Another person who goes by the username @tradingMaxiSL wrote, "Amazing how a biological creature with bone and organs can withstand the intense pressure that deep. We need to build machines with very thick metal to get that deep, and even then they are sometimes crushed like tin cans. Also, The fact that whales can't breathe underwater yet he is just cruising along the bottom 3000ft deep. Awesome video..!"


User @_KHAN82 was also fascinated and wrote, "Wow, that sounds like a scene straight out of a movie! It's fascinating how exploration can lead to unexpected discoveries, even in the depths of the ocean. It just goes to show how much we still have to learn about our planet and how important it is to approach every situation with curiosity and an open mind. Who knows what other surprises are waiting for us beneath the surface?" Similarly, another X user chimed in and commented, "Kinda deep for whales isn't it, since they are air breathers? And the water pressure is around 33 psi at that depth. I guess they can handle it."


This wasn’t the first time that whales and deep-sea divers have crossed paths near an oil rig as whales seem to make a habit of visiting these areas from time to time. In Mexico’s northern Gulf, up to 3,000 endangered sperm whales can be found. These majestic creatures can grow up to 60 feet long and weigh as much as 125,000 pounds, which is the equivalent of a fully loaded Boeing 737. No wonder the massive whale appears so imposing as it glides by, momentarily blocking the entire camera view. While typically found in the deep ocean, these whales can be disturbed by activities such as drilling or construction.

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