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Stranger casually tells woman to dress more 'feminine' — he was not ready for her fiery comeback

Some men have the audacity to deliver demeaning remarks about women without a second thought.
A screenshot of the woman boldly responding to a stranger's comment. (Cover Image Source: TikTok | @ultimatebykomi)
A screenshot of the woman boldly responding to a stranger's comment. (Cover Image Source: TikTok | @ultimatebykomi)

Women often face moral policing from men who assume that they have the authority to tell them how to dress. These issues come up repeatedly, whether in public places, the workplace, or educational institutions, sparking never-ending discussions. In a similar incident, a stranger openly advised a woman to wear feminine clothes which reignited the discussion. However, she gave him a strong response in her own words and @ultimatebykomi captured the conversation in a video that was shared on TikTok.

The man in the video passed a comment saying, "My advice love, you wanna wear something a bit more feminine than that." Shocked by the comment, the woman responded with just a "Sorry?" The man then said, "Not doing yourself any favors there love." To this, the woman boldly responded, "Sorry, I didn't ask for your advice." The stranger again commented, "Like I said, something more pleasing to the eye might do you some good." The woman pointed out how inappropriate his comment was. As reported by Scoop Upworthy, the man said, "There's no need to overreact, I am just saying. A lass being in their clothes all grey and big baggy pants. You could wear something a bit more pleasing to the eye."


The man maintained his stance, arguing that he was merely offering some friendly advice. The woman continued, "I mean why would you think that's appropriate to say to me? I don't know you. You don't know me," further adding, "I would recommend never speaking to a woman again if that's how you talk to them." Despite this, the stranger didn't back down as he said, "No need to take offense. Calm down, love. Have a nice day." The woman then looked into the camera and shared, "This is why women feel unsafe walking alone or they don't want to walk near men even, because of things like this."


The video ended with her saying, "I can't believe there are actually d***heads out there who think they have the right to talk to women like that or talk to anyone like that for that matter." There’s something bothersome about the audacity some men display when dishing out unsolicited, unfiltered opinions on women’s appearances, whether they’re talking about them or directly to them. Although everyone has their opinion about style, for some, the urge to voice those opinions without invitation is irresistible. Men with these offhand remarks often cross the line into being intrusive, offensive, or even harmful.


Misogynistic comments have become so common these days that some men now make sexist, impolite, and outright abusive remarks with ease. As reported by BuzzFeed, back in 2023, more than 300 responses from women between the ages of 20 and 80 poured in when they were asked to describe their experiences. In one especially shocking case, a woman recounted that a 35-year-old zoo supervisor had criticized her way of speaking. He told her that she sounded too confident and advised her to soften her delivery by framing statements like questions when she pressed for clarification.

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