Teen With Cerebral Palsy Has the Most Wholesome Reaction to Getting Into Harvard | “No Way! No Way”

There is no magic formula for success. It takes a lot of effort, perseverance, and the ability to learn from mistakes. The inspiring story of Matthew Myslenski is making waves on the internet after his reaction video went viral on the internet after he got selected by Harvard. Myslenski was born with Cerebral Palsy but he always dreamed big and worked for it. Myslenski and his twin sister Magdalena can be seen in the video waiting for the results while seated in front of a laptop. Myslenski can be seen to be a little anxious, but as soon as the acceptance confetti appeared on his screen, he sat back on the couch and screamed with joy. His reaction is priceless and Myslenski's sister can be seen saying "No Way! No Way!" as she couldn't believe it but was full of excitement. Myslenski had assumed that he will be rejected but his hard work did serve him success.
Explaining how he felt when he got selected Myslenski said, "I was completely in shock." He further added, "I think it was just one of the best moments in my life." Magdalena who is Myslenski's sister said, "I get so excited every time I get to talk about it because obviously, Matthew worked so hard for this", NBC Connecticut reported.

Myslenski also talked about the challenges he faced to do what he desired to do. He said, "Not only did I have to challenge myself academically, but I also had to physically work to get to a point that I can do what I want to do." In a very inspirational statement Myslenski said "No matter what your ability is, you can achieve what you want to in life. You can overcome anything that you want to."

Myslenski's teachers are not surprised that he got into Harvard, they always knew it was possible because he is one of the hardest-working students in the school. Sara Dziedzic who is Myslenski's teacher said "He has never given up. I think that says so much about his character. It says so much about his family’s character. He was taught from a young age that if you want to succeed, you have to overcome and you can not give up. That’s the biggest message here."
Dziedzic further also mentioned a very thoughtful message, she said, "I think Harvard is really lucky to get someone who is not only going to be academically driven, who is going to give back to the community, but is going to add an element to that campus that being caring and compassionate is really important."

A learning factor that we are taking from Myslenski's story is that you can achieve any goal in life if you put forth the necessary effort. Matthew is among the top ten students in his class at The Woodstock Academy. According to a school press release, he takes part in the medical club and belongs to six honor societies. Myslenski's dream to go to Harvard was inspired by his doctors at Boston Children's Hospital. He aspires to pursue a career in medicine just like his parents.