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This fun test challenges users to spot the two women in an optical illusion

The puzzle has been hard for most on the internet, not going to lie!
The puzzle that has two women hidden inside (Cover Image Source: Tiffy Taffy)
The puzzle that has two women hidden inside (Cover Image Source: Tiffy Taffy)

Optical illusions can get people hooked on to them until they are able to find a solution. This is because these illusions are designed to trick your brain, making it work and helping your creative juices flow. Honestly, this is exactly what you need, given how times have been a little boring.

According to Very Well Mind, due to the way images are arranged, and because of several other factors like the effect of colors, the impact of the light source, or other variables, several misleading visual effects can be seen in an optical illusion. The thing is that not everyone is able to perceive an illusion the same way, which is why these exercises can also help reveal a lot about how one's brain functions.

How do these illusions work? Per AOO, this is something scientists have studied, but even they don't completely understand or agree on how they work. However, many scientists believe that in some cases, optical illusions are created based on how the brain interprets information.

Now, here's an image that is also a mind-bender. At first glance, it only seems like one woman looking away from the person viewing the puzzle, but there are actually two women in it.

The puzzle baffling users (Image Source: Tiffy Taffy)

Do you see it? Look harder!

Alright, if you've found the two women, then you have some great observational skills. But if not, don't worry, this is a rather hard one. 

According to Tiffy Taffy, there's a woman looking back into the distance; which is what most people see. However, the image on the right is actually an older lady’s side profile. Yes, that one was rather hard to spot. 

A solved version of the puzzle (Image Source: Tiffy Taffy)

If you've managed to solve this, or even if you haven't, here's another one for you to try. If you'd rather try out something simpler, then this one's for you!

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