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This online puzzle challenges people to identify numbers hidden in a swirl — can you find it?

Can you identify the series of numbers in this black-and-white swirl?
The puzzle posted online leaving people confused (Cover image source: Twitter/benonwine)
The puzzle posted online leaving people confused (Cover image source: Twitter/benonwine)

Who doesn't like a good old mind-boggling visual puzzle? Here's one that caught our eye.

Twitter user @benonwine shared an image that shows a number that is concealed in a striped black and grey circle. Since then, it's left the internet in a tizzy. How many numbers are there? And what are they? There are several hidden numbers: the numbers are on one level and the swirls are on the other. How many can you spot?


Here are some of the responses:



One person joked: 45 283...and what's the catch? Should I book an appointment with my GP? Another wrote: I can see 45283, since looking at the other replies I’ve others are seeing 2 other numbers. I can see there are numbers there but can’t make them up.

Take a hard look at the screen. Can you see what they're seeing? Yes? No? Okay, it's time for the big reveal.

Well, the correct answer is 3452839.

Did you guess it? Once that was pointed out to the Twitter users, some people said that they still couldn't see the numbers towards the extreme ends!





According to The Daily Mail, this particular puzzle works by playing on contrast sensitivity. This is an important visual function when people are trying to separate objects from their backgrounds. It comes into effect during real-life situations such as driving in low light or fog. Here, the viewer needs a higher level of contrast sensitivity so that the contrast between objects and their backgrounds is reduced. Eye conditions like cataracts or glaucoma can cause poor contrast sensitivity. If you have a higher level of contrast sensitivity you've probably spotted all 7 digits immediately.

Stay tuned for more fascinating visual puzzles!

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