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This optical illusion test displaying a cat reveals whether you are an optimist or pessimist

These viral pictures judge your personality type through a person's perspective.
An optical illusion picture of a cat. (Cover Image Source: 9 Gag)
An optical illusion picture of a cat. (Cover Image Source: 9 Gag)

A test indicates that an optical illusion displaying a cat might disclose more about your genuine personality. The illusion instructs observers to gaze in the direction of the animal's movement and promises that it reveals something vital about you. The Minds Journal uploaded a greyscale photograph of a cat on a set of stairs. It argues that whatever way you observe the cat walking reveals your attitude about life. Two points of view of this photograph are regarded to have decisive meanings, reports THE SUN.

If you thought the cat was coming up the stairs, you probably have a positive outlook on life, per the New York Post. According to Minds Journal, "You see potential and you see growth wherever you look." They added in their article, "Your mind has been trained to look at ways of rising higher in life, so given a situation where you have the choice of rising higher than others or falling to their levels, you would inevitably be the better person. There are clear signs of ambition in you and no one, except yourself, can stop you from going higher in life."


If you saw the cat coming down the stairs, you have a pessimistic and skeptical disposition. The article reads, "It may have been based on your experiences in life or just because of the sort of people you may have met that tilted your view of life towards the negative side. But this means that you don’t trust easily now, you calculate before you commit and you are wary of people who seem too sweet." They further added, "It may just be your way of tackling the world but you are much sharper and shrewd in your dealings, making it almost impossible to trick or deceive you.”

Similarly, a snowy optical illusion is perplexing and disorienting people, with Facebook users entirely divided about what is depicted in the photograph. Many people believe the image depicts a guy with a backpack strolling through snow-covered woods, but others see a lovely black dog instead, per another report by THE SUN. A person commented, "I had to take my glasses off to see that one.” Another said, "I had to stare at it before I could see it." A third user commented, "I’m curious as to how the people who saw a man running were able to explain away the fact that running man has a giant dog's head coming out of them."

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