Travel expert reveals why the 'worst seat' on the plane could secretly be the best choice for you

It's a pretty normal thing for people to pick their seats after booking a flight ticket online, and they are supposed to do so from a map of the aircraft. It displays every seat with a color code to signify whether it is in first class, business class, or economy class. Many passengers believe the front of the plane is the best place to sit and the middle seat is the worst. However, journalist and travel expert John Burfitt presents a very unique viewpoint that contradicts these beliefs.

As reported by Escape, he wrote, "We were en route from Sydney to Los Angeles, and every few minutes, the passenger behind me would cross her legs, stretch out, or wriggle about. As she did, her knees or feet would smack bang in the middle of my seat. I was jolting my way to the USA." He added, "It just kept happening, so I buzzed the flight attendant and explained the issue." Burfitt further said, "As I later walked down the aisle to the bathrooms, I spotted the solution in the look of contentment from the people in the back row of the cabin. For the first time, I noticed those seats had a wall behind them, and no one was getting kicked there. No wonder those people looked relaxed!"
The expert continued, "I decided the back row would be the only place I would sit on a long flight from now on. Sure enough, on my next flight, I booked into the back row of the cabin and, even better, my seat was the one right next to the window." He added, "As I nestled into that corner, I discovered what true airline love is about. I had just found the best seat on the plane." Burfitt also pointed out that this row occasionally features just two seats, providing additional space. He said, "You are tucked away, so you will also never get king hit by a flight attendant wielding a trolley, be bumped by passing passengers, or have them grab your seat as they pass. And when you want to sleep, lean into the corner against the wall and doze off."
That doesn't mean that this seat doesn't have any downsides. The back of the plane often lacks windows, which can be a deal-breaker for some travelers. Anyone who ever sat in the back knows the hassle of waiting when only the front doors are used for boarding. Due to this, it’s not the best choice for those with long connecting flights, as reported by Unilad. Despite these drawbacks, the travel expert admitted he has gladly paid extra to snag a corner seat in the back row and would even adjust his travel dates just to secure it. Depending on the aircraft’s layout, similar seats can be found in different sections of the plane.
Additional perks include being one of the first to receive refreshments, and being close to the restrooms means one won’t have to walk through a crowded aisle. There’s even a chance that a sympathetic flight attendant might surprise the passenger with an upgrade to some of the plane’s most coveted seats. It may sound too good to be true, but as reported by Metro, it does happen. “I’m always astounded when other travelers call my favorite seat the worst seat on the plane, with a long list of whines," Burfitt added, as reported by the New York Post.