Woman delivers baby boy on the side of the road while her kids wait in the car: "He’s here!"

Thirty-four-year-old Heather Skaats gave birth on the side of a road to a baby boy while her five other children sat in the car. The Kentucky mom was not expecting her baby to be born so soon.
“I was having light contractions before we left, so I figured I had time to run an errand," Skaats told TODAY. “I thought I wouldn’t have a baby in my arms until eight or ten hours later,” she said, considering she had labored for hours with her older children and had three more weeks till her due date for her current pregnancy.
She labored for hours with her other children, so she thought she had plenty of time when light contractions started. Surprise! https://t.co/kgnNAsAPx0
— TODAY (@TODAYshow) May 17, 2022
Skaats had planned on having a water birth at home but it seemed her baby had other plans for her.
When she began driving faster once the contractions started becoming more intense, she realized she wasn't going to be able to make it home on time. So she decided to bring the baby into the world right there and then. “I pulled over—assured the kids that everything was OK—and then I grabbed my phone and got out of the van,” Skaats shared. Her water broke when she was in a squat position.
Describing the scenario, she said, “I put my hand down there and his head started coming out with his body.” She said, “I didn’t even have to push. It was so quick. I was on the phone with my husband, Nick, and 20 seconds later, I was like, ‘He’s here!’” She managed to catch the seven-pound baby when he came out. “He started crying right away, and he just opened his eyes and looked at me and I said, ‘Yeah, buddy that was fun, huh?’” Skaats remembered. With the baby's placenta still in her body she "wrapped him in a blanket and drove with him close to my chest. I think the kids were in shock. They were pretty quiet.” Once they got back home, the new mom delivered the placenta in the shower with help from her 13-year-old daughter, Kaelynn. Later her midwife came to help out. "We had to pick the grass off him," Skaats shared. “I think having home births in the past sort of taught me to trust my body,” Skaats said. “Knowing the process really helped.”

The little baby's siblings include Kaelynn, 13, Aneleigh, 11, Austin, 6, Luke, 3, and Alyssa, 2 who were all eager to meet the little one. Skaats and her husband are also parents to Leilah, who sadly passed away from cancer when she was just four years old in 2016. The arrival of her newborn has been nothing short of a beautiful adventure. She and her husband are still considering names for the infant including Porter or Wolf—the street names near where he was born.