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Woman Plans a Mommy’s Day Out for Herself. But the Universe Had Other Plans

She went out for an uninterrupted day off for herself, only to return after an emergency call from her husband who was in charge of the kids.
UPDATED FEB 23, 2023
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @katrinagrillo
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @katrinagrillo

We often hear that mothers are superheroes. They are the ultimate multi-taskers, the all-doers. Their minds are constantly racing, worrying about their kids' well-being, wants, and needs. However, they are human and deserve some frequent TLC for all they do.

Unfortunately for mom-of-two Katrina Grillo, the one day she decided to take for herself—away from her family, husband, and her kids—turned into every mom's living nightmare.

Grillo, aka @katrinagrillo on TikTok, took to the video-sharing platform to vent about how her me-time plan failed. The video begins with her sitting in a car, explaining how she'd planned a spa treatment for herself after breakfast. However, an emergency call from her husband—who was in charge of the kids that day—brought her self-care dreams crashing down.

"So today is supposed to be my day off from parenting. I am supposed to have the whole day to myself to do whatever I want. This morning, I took myself out to breakfast. And I have a spa appointment this afternoon," Grillo says in the video.


Grillo is a mother of two kids, a one-year-old and a four-year-old. After enjoying a quiet and peaceful morning, she headed back home to grab some essentials before the spa appointment. However, upon reaching home, she found her 1-year-old in an alarming situation. The kid was inside a linen closet with his hands covered in Vicks VapoRub.

"In the five minutes I was in the house, I saw that my one-year-old had gotten into the linen closet and gotten into a jar of Vicks VapoRub," Grillo recounted. "We had no idea if he had eaten any of it or how much."

It was chaotic. Although it is a tough decision for any mother to leave her husband to deal with the toddler situation, she still decided to move forward with her day off. She packed her stuff and left for her spa appointment. The house and kids were once again in her husband's guardianship.

She explained, "I told my husband to call the pediatrician. They told him to call Poison Control, and after I left the house, he called me, and Poison Control told him to take their son directly to the ER."

She offered help to her husband and asked if she should cancel her plans, but he refused. However, two minutes later, her husband panic-called her with another dreadful news. "Two minutes later, he calls me back to tell me that the four-year-old has locked him out of the house," Grillo shared.

Image Source: TikTok | @katrinagrillo
Image Source: TikTok | @katrinagrillo

TikTok users had some strong opinions on her video. A disappointed TikTok user, @:-), wrote: "You know she will be the one reorganizing the linen closet." Another TikToker, @Mrs. Butterfield had a solution: "Sign him up for parenting classes." @JellyIsMyJam shared her own experience: "I came home to paramedics in my house after 10 minutes to pick up a pizza. We're now divorced." @Elise Henry wrote: "Don't tell us. Tell a lawyer."

The video received over 1.3 million views and 177k likes. So, Grillo posted another video to update her followers on the current situation and what went on behind the scenes.


"First of all, the one-year-old is fine," she shared. "I went out for the rest of my day because if my husband had been gone for the day, you know, he normally goes snowboarding for a whole day and never drives back home for 2-3 hours. So I didn't stop my day either. It was a nice day, and everyone was fine."

But, the mystery remained. How did the 1-year-old get into a closet? When she asked her husband, he said that the baby was quiet and that he assumed the baby's silence meant everything was fine. It's a universal fact that when a toddler is too silent, it means trouble.

@Clara, a TikTok user, called out his ignorance and wrote: "He thought a one-year-old being left unattended (let alone QUIET) was okay? I would never trust him with my kids ever again."

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