Woman stuck on tricky math puzzle gets shamed by her little boy who solved it in mere seconds

Math as a subject is known to drive many crazy. But not for a little boy who solved a complex problem in mere seconds, outsmarting his family who watched, baffled. A puzzle that went viral on social media required one to solve 5+5+5=550. The catch is that you can correct the equation by adding only one line. Surprisingly, the child figured out the riddle with just one look while it took many on the internet hours!

As per LADbible, In a video posted on TikTok by @xivectt75, a family tried to solve the confusing riddle. The man filming the video explains the rules to his wife. He said, "With one line, I want you to make this addition equation correct. Only one line." The woman draws lines in a variety of ways, trying to find the correct answer. She tried changing the number to either 51 or 15 by adding a 1. Despite her best efforts, the answer eluded her until the child stepped in and showed her.
As the child sat quietly next to the woman, drawing and occasionally looking at the camera, she at one point thought she had finally found the trick and proudly presented her answer, only to be shut down again by her husband. She tried to create a 'not equals' sign in the equation, suggesting that 5 + 5 + 5 does not equal 550. While her answer was logically correct, the man reminded her that the question was to fix the addition equation, not just challenge its accuracy. The woman then frustratingly gave up. That's when the child took it upon himself to educate his mom. He simply drew a vertical line through the first plus sign, turning it into a '4.'

The equation became 545 + 5 = 550, which was, of course, the correct solution. As the video went viral on TikTok, netizens disagreed on if the puzzle was a difficult one. Some found it tricky, while others thought it was rather simple. A TikTok user (@masashisadboy) remarked, “Hahahaha, that lady didn't know the answer but me, I know.” Another person (@yhawpsycho), shared, “I was gonna draw a line through the equal sign like the woman.” Chiming in, a person (@dariuslinlin), joked, “And you have me who was wondering how with an addition of three 5 you get 550.”
As the comments poured in, a netizen (@owezzalawo), argued, “If that is the correct answer, then the question is wrong.” These tricky questions tend to be much more difficult than they first appear. Some will have you cracking up, while others are so complicated yet interesting that they will completely change the way you approach riddles.
You can follow @xivectt75 on TikTok for more such wholesome and entertaining videos.