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Woman thought a crow was 'stalking' her until she discovered it was trying to tell her something

Animals and birds may not speak our language, but they have their unique ways to express their emotions.
Beautiful Sunrise with Traveller and Crow. (Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo By d3_plus D.Naruse @ Japan)
Beautiful Sunrise with Traveller and Crow. (Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo By d3_plus D.Naruse @ Japan)

Animals and birds can't talk, but that doesn't mean they don't communicate with human beings. For those who care to notice and learn, all creatures have a set of gestures and certain behavioral patterns to express themselves. Karenlynn Stracher is a dedicated wildlife rehabilitator who takes care of hundreds of animal and bird species. She helps with the treatment of injured animals and responds to calls regarding animals in need as part of her everyday routine. One day, animal advocate John Debacker told her that he had saved a crow from a nearby sewer. Stracher requested him to bring the bird to her so she could take care of it. However, after the crow was released, it strangely appeared to be following her. Stracher then understood that the bird might be conveying a message.

A representative image of a crow. (Image Source: Getty Images | Photo By Hocine Haroun)
A representative image of a crow. (Image Source: Getty Images | Photo By Hocine Haroun)

The rescued crow just needed a warm and safe space to dry itself as it was wet. Stracher made sure it had enough food and a comfortable place to sleep when she took it in for the night. The next morning, she was surprised to see the crow's mate sitting on top of the cage, waiting quietly. As Stracher released the crow, she thought they were parting ways. However, a few days later, when going to the gym, she felt someone was following her. It was the crow who had come back to see how the woman who had been kind to him was doing. As reported by The Dodo, despite their little time together, the crow remembered her.

Screenshots of a crow following a woman. (Image Source: TikTok | @wildliferehab_kl)
Screenshots of a crow following a woman. (Image Source: TikTok | @wildliferehab_kl)

Stracher said, “This is the first time I’ve experienced anything like this. I often get to see [the] family or friendship bonds that animals form with one another, but I’ve never had one show their gratitude to me in such a demonstrative way.” She added, “I realized the depths of their devotion and gratitude and was incredulous at their recognition and appreciation of such a simple act of kindness." The woman continued, “I cannot fathom how anyone can deny that these are intelligent, sentient creatures, capable of complex thought and intricate family relationships.”

Several TikTok users also took to the comment section to share their views. One TikTok user, @mev8678, commented, “Awe, they are thankful for your help. Maybe he told his mate that you had really tasty treats! Crows are extremely smart, and they do get attached.” Another person, @hen_talk, shared a similar incident and wrote, “We rescued a baby barn owl, and he did the same thing! We would come out of the grocery store & hear him calling out to us!”

This proves some of the earliest and strongest connections that people have are with animals. People have coexisted, collaborated, and developed bonds with animals of all types for tens of thousands of years. Anyone who has ever depended on an animal or loved a pet knows this without the need for a scientific explanation. Any animal, be it a dog, cat, or any other, can sense human emotions, react to a person's presence, and provide a level of comfort and happiness that equals the closest connections between human beings.

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