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Woman thought she had a stomach bug. Then, she gave birth to son in a hotel bathroom

She initially thought of putting the child up for adoption but this occurrence changed her mind.
The woman with her new born son after the delivery (Cover Image Source: 11Alive/Youtube)
The woman with her new born son after the delivery (Cover Image Source: 11Alive/Youtube)

Victoya Venise surprisingly gave birth to her second child while on a business trip to Georgia last Friday. Her due date was set on May 15th by the doctor so the birth of her son, Rocky Andrew was completely unexpected, reports PEOPLE. When she noticed some abdominal discomfort she thought that she had caught the stomach bug that her 4-year-old daughter had. However, upon using the restroom at the hotel, she discovered that it wasn't a stomach bug but she was actually in labor.


She spoke to 11 Alive, "I had just came back from urgent care with my daughter. And she had a stomach bug. By the time I realized it was a baby and not poop, it was just too late." After calling her mother and emergency services, she was rushed to Northside Hospital, which was only a few minutes away from where she was living. She further explained, "They actually thought my due date was May 15 because I was so small. So that was kind of the conflict with them. They thought I was not as far as long." Both the mother and the child were discharged from the hospital a day later and are doing well.

Venise spoke to PEOPLE, "I'm so in love with him. It's been a crazy experience." The mother of two was listed as a "walk-in" in the hospital and appreciates the fact that her son's certificate will mention the hotel as his place of birth. She said, "[I'm] listed as the doctor. his place of birth will say Extended Stay America," the hotel where she was staying when she gave birth." She is a graphic designer and a single mom who went back to completing her projects a day after she gave birth to her son in the most untraditional way possible.

According to 11 Alive, she was considering putting her second child up for adoption but these circumstances have completely changed her decision. She said, "I feel so connected to him even more." She said to her newborn during the interview, "No, you're mine, I'm going to take care of you. If I could literally bring you into the world by myself, I think I could take care of you." The child who arrived in an unexpected situation has a very special name. Venise said, "Rocky is a nickname that was given to my grandfather. And I just thought that it was kind of so befitting because it was like you had a rocky start, but you're going to be strong and you're a fighter."

She is currently staying at her hotel and looking for places to stay in Georgia to stay closer to her mother, who lives in Atlanta. She said, "They are letting me out of my apartment lease in Louisiana so that's a plus. I'm not in any condition to go there alone with a newborn who's only 4 lbs." She works from home and plans to spend as much time as she can with her children. She said, "I'm just happy I work with clients who were understanding and let me take a few days to myself."

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