An intruder broke into 82-year-old bodybuilder woman's home — she sent him out in an ambulance

For an elderly woman, someone breaking into her home can be terrifying, but some know how to turn the tables. An intruder picked the wrong house when he targeted 82-year-old Willie Murphy. He thought of her as an easy victim until she showed him why she was an award-winning bodybuilder. One night in 2019, loud banging at her door signaled trouble. Moments later, a man forced his way inside. However, Murphy was prepared and not afraid. She grabbed a table, baby shampoo, and a broom and fought back, making sure that the intruder only left in an ambulance.

Murphy said, "He was outside and saying, ‘Please call an ambulance,’ saying, ‘I’m sick, I’m sick.’” She contacted the police but refused to let him in. That is when he lost his temper. Murphy recalled, “I hear a loud noise. I’m thinking, 'What the heck was that?' The young man is in my home. He broke the door.” The suspect probably had no clue that Murphy, a well-known bodybuilder, trains nearly every day at the YMCA. "He picked the wrong house to break into," Murphy said. Then she picked up the closest weapon, a table, and smashed the invader with it. The impact was so violent that the table shattered, as reported by ABC News. The man collapsed, but his nightmare had only begun.

Murphy further said, "There’s a bottle of baby shampoo on the table. I grab the shampoo and guess what? He is still on the ground. In his face. All over it. The whole thing. He’s trying to get up and he’s pulling and I got the broom and he’s pulling the broom and I’m hitting him, I’m hitting him with the broom, hitting him, and guess what? He wants to get the heck out of there … I had really done a number on that man, I’m serious. I think he was happy when he went in the ambulance." A few minutes later, the police arrived and the intruder was rushed to the hospital, while Murphy received applause from the first responders.
The woman also claimed, “I really did a number on that man. I think he was happy when he went in the ambulance because I sent him in the ambulance.” Murphy, standing at just about five feet tall and capable of deadlifting 225 pounds, wasn’t interested in pressing charges against the intruder, as reported by The Independent. After the incident, the police tweeted a photo of her, calling her tough as nails. This 82-year-old powerhouse boasts of impressive feats like one-handed pull-ups and push-ups. In 2014, she earned the World Natural Powerlifting Federation’s Lifter of the Year award. She can deadlift more than twice her body weight, as reported by Sky News.
Michelle LeBoo, from the YMCA where Murphy trains, says Murphy challenges the stereotypes of aging, describing her as a strong, beautiful woman who does everything with others in mind. Murphy's journey into powerlifting began in 2008 when she saw a competition flyer at her local YMCA. She soon discovered she had a passion for the sport and started working for it. Her achievements have also received millions of views on YouTube. Murphy is committed to making powerlifting accessible to women of all ages.