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Biker Thought he Saw the Slowest Car Chase Ever. What Happened Next Left him Amused

This biker noticed what seemed like a police case in slow motion on the streets of London but it ended up in a sweet exchange between him and the cop.
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @harveyridesbikes
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @harveyridesbikes

From OJ Simpson's attempt to drive into Mexico witnessed by millions on TV to car chases compiled for late-night broadcasts, audiences have always found cop cars pursuing criminals thrilling. According to the Metropolitan Police, there were approximately 3,692 police vehicle pursuits recorded in London between April 2020 and March 20211. These pursuits can be intense and dangerous, often involving high speeds and risky maneuvers. However, one biker ended up unexpectedly witnessing what he dubbed as the "slowest police chase in history."

Image Source: TikTok | @harveyridesbikes
Image Source: TikTok | @harveyridesbikes

London resident Harvey who goes by @harveyridesbikes on TikTok has garnered a decent following on the social media platforms sharing biking journeys from his point of view. It was just another day for him recording videos while riding his bike when he spotted a police car seemingly chasing after an Audi. Harvey wondered what was going on until he spotted the two vehicles going their separate ways and realized the police car wasn't chasing the other vehicle. Harvey decided to stop at the red light, right beside the police car, and struck up a conversation with the officer. Soon enough, Harvey realized that the police officer might have forgotten to turn off the lights above the vehicle while doing his regular patrolling duty.

"Your lights are on. The blue lights are on," the biker informed the officer who revealed that the lights in the car were not functioning properly and he had tried twice to get all the blue lights to switch off. "I thought you were like doing the slowest police chase," he joked with the officer, and the officer smiled at him. That is when Harvey decided to offer him some Haribo to make the officer's day a bit less stressful. The officer thanked him and even called Harvey a "legend" as they both went their separate ways. The video was reposted on Reddit by u/sweepurh where the community shared their thoughts on the interaction.

Image Source: TikTok | @harveyridesbikes
Image Source: TikTok | @harveyridesbikes

u/djh_van wrote, "Top bloke. I'm going to have to figure out what I can do that will cause a biker to give me a bag of fizzy Haribo." u/ShinyHappyPorpious commented, "That’s the sort of casual and pleasant police interaction that I wish we had here in the United States. All our police act like Robocops, and think it’s normal." u/Lil_misty_fiesty added, "We need more Harvey's in the world. The dude is always so happy, vibes with everyone and gives sweets to total strangers. He even dressed up as Santa and gave sweets to children as well as fellow Londoners for Christmas. He's the human version of a golden retriever."

Image Source: Reddit | u/BalticRussian
Image Source: Reddit | u/BalticRussian

u/Peelboy recalled, "I got pulled over by an officer doing this a few years ago. I pulled over, got all my paperwork together and waited 10 minutes for him to finally walk up. Officer: hey is everything OK? Me: I don't know why you pulled me over. Officer: Oh sorry forgot the lights. We both laughed and went on with our day, I was driving a commercial heavy vehicle." u/CelestialSlayer added, "In general in the UK we don’t fear the police and trust them. But there are always exceptions, and over the last few years, notably the murder of Sarah Everard and the toxic culture of misogyny in the Met, some trust has been lost. Also, the police is woefully underfunded in the UK now."

Follow @harveyridesbike on TikTok for more videos.

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