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Daughter's simple act to comfort her father having a hard day at work melts hearts on the internet

Even at a young age, the daughter was able to sense her father's exhaustion and came up with a simple yet thoughtful way of comforting him.
Cover Image Source: YouTube | South China Morning Post
Cover Image Source: YouTube | South China Morning Post

Although parents are largely assigned the role of protecting and guiding their children, sometimes people find emotional support in their kids after a long day. Irrespective of their age, children are capable of expressing affection and care for parents in their unique ways. This was visible in a video shared by the South China Morning Post on YouTube, which touched hearts of viewers across the globe.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Josh Willink
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Josh Willink

In the video, a man can be seen dozing off in the kitchen of his restaurant and continues to work despite looking exhausted. As he revises the menu of his restaurant, his little daughter observes him from a distance and she comes up with a sincere idea to comfort her father. As soon as the man puts his head down on the desk to catch a nap, the daughter slowly comes up behind him and places her jacket on her father's back to keep him warm.

Image Source: YouTube | South China Morning Post
Image Source: YouTube | South China Morning Post

The man is instantly overwhelmend by his daughter's thoughtful gesture and breaks down into tears since it means a great deal to the father on a rough day. The video reached more than 2.2 million viewers and a lot of netizens even wondered if the man is dealing with mental health issue. The video was also reposted on Reddit by u/Calibruh and garnered positive comments for the little girl. u/Hickawa shared, "I have seen more men on the edge of insanity trying to run a small restaurant than I have being a handyman at a halfway house. There is nothing like the burnout of restaurant work. I had one boss who wouldn't go home for days just sleeping in his office chair for a few hours at a time."

u/c_c_c__combobreaker commented, "Running a restaurant is really tough. Long and grueling hours. Stuck in a hot kitchen all day. The customers can be rude. You might go home empty on days because nobody comes in." u/sketchysalesguy wrote, "Honestly most of us who grow up in China don't get affection like this. Its just not part of the culture. Our parents will cook us a meal or cut up fruits but things like physical reassurance or I love you almost doesn't exist." u/cjnull noted, "I'm more concerned about his mental health. Seems to me like is suffering of depression or burnout."

Image Source: Reddit | u/everydayasl
Image Source: Reddit | u/everydayasl

u/Mr-Cali added "Some Latinos cultures are like these but not all, very little. I never gotten hugs or my parents telling me they love me but i definitely knew they love me. I only get 3 hugs from my parents a year, birthday, Christmas and new years. Everytime i get one, i start to tear up. Hugs go a long way man! I see something similar with my own family but luckily my parents now know that maybe not hugging us or telling us they love us made us the way were but they were still out of this world parents. It’s never to late to start hugging."


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