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High School Quarterback Surprises His Childhood Friend With Down Syndrome by Taking Her to Prom

When they were in fourth grade, Ben Moser made a promise to her childhood buddy Mary that he would take her to prom one day and he kept his promise.
Cover Image Source: Facebook | Lisa Troutman Moser
Cover Image Source: Facebook | Lisa Troutman Moser

Friendship is a special bond and it can help an individual get through the most difficult times in life. This was exemplified by high school quarterback Ben Moser, who never forgot the promise he made to his childhood buddy Mary Lapkowicz in fourth grade. The duo once attended grade school together but they eventually went their separate ways to attend different high schools in Pennsylvania. This did not make Moser forget the prom pact he had once made to his childhood friend Lapkowicz who had Down syndrome. After years of separation, when Moser reconnected with her during an interschool football game, he knew it was his time to surprise her by taking her to prom, as per The Patriot-News.


"A lot of grade-school-aged kids may have stayed away from my sister Mary or thought she was weird because she has Down syndrome. But not Ben," Lapkowicz's brother Tom wrote in a 2015 Facebook post. "Ben was always the energetic kid in the class who always looked out for Mary and wanted to make sure she was included in all activities," Moser's mom, Lisa, opened up to BuzzFeed News, adding how her son and Lapkowicz attended the same elementary school class for three years.


When the day of the prom arrived, Moser's mom documented the wholesome moment through a bunch of other Facebook posts. "Today was probably the proudest I have ever been of my son in his lifetime to date! He has grown into a man with a big heart, a deep sense of putting others first, and most of all making people feel special and loved. Today with joyful tears in my eyes and down my face I watched a promise made, 7 years ago, to a beautiful girl fulfilled," she captioned in one of her posts featuring Moser and Lapkowicz.


On the other hand, Lapkowicz was looking forward to attending prom with her group of friends. She did not expect Moser to show up with shiny balloons and ask her out to prom. So the duo dressed up for the prom at Central Dauphin High School, which Lapkowicz attended, and Tracey Spogli, their fourth-grade teacher also came to support them. "Watching Ben and Mary in 4th grade always made me smile," Spogli told TODAY. "Ben was always so protective of Mary and genuinely cared for her, and it was evident in his actions and words. He would keep an eye on her, just wanting her to be happy and involved in our classroom activities."


Talking to The Patriot-News, Moser revealed that he always thought Lapkowicz was "really cool" and Lapkowicz felt that Moser was "very sweet." The comment section of Lisa's Facebook posts was flooded with positive and encouraging remarks from the netizens as well. Nanette Kehler wrote, "This just put a huge smile on my face. I love both of these wonderful young people. I have wondered how Mary has been doing and have followed Ben through school and football. What a beautiful thing and memories for all." Karen Petrilla added, "Ben is such a great young man. He has such a big heart for so many. I am so happy for Mary that she has such a great young man by her side. Great job to both families for raising great children."


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