Special Show Produced for Transition to Color TV Goes Viral. Fills the Internet With Nostalgia
First movies with sound and later on color television laid the foundation for innovation that would continue to transform entertainment and its consumption at an increased pace in the past century. As per NFSA, color television technology hit Australia in 1975 and a recent viral post showcased the exact moment of this historic transition. The transformation was heavily anticipated all across the country, with most of the networks planning something special for the big event. One of these specials featured the characters Aunty Jack, together with Thin Arthur, and Kid Eager who can be seen fighting the ‘color monster’ which eventually enveloped them as midnight struck on 1 March 1975.
The broadcast was symbolic as it showed how Aunty Jack was fighting the change, and it started with a solemn rendition of 'Wollongong the Brave’ after which the 'Queen' informs the civilians that their town of Wollongong is being "gobbled up by the terrible colored television monster." She is very scared of the color as it means the world will forever change the way they see it. Thin Arthur, is just terrified after hearing about all the damage this change could do to his life. Throughout the special, Aunty Jack keeps getting news of color leaking at one place or another while Kid Eager also enters their abode to face the "Color television monster" together.
The portion of the color filling up the room has remained one of the funniest bits ever produced in television history. It leaks through the window and splashes on the carpet, while Aunty Jack is afraid that if color reaches her air, she will die. Kid Eager is the first to get hit with it but embraces the transformation with open arms and encourages the other two to join. "Come on in it's lovely," he says to his terrified companions who remain apprehensive about the change. But once everything is engulfed with colour, Aunty Jack looks impressed and goes on to remark, "It's really quite nice being in color isn't it?" But later on, she is shocked when Kid Eager informs her that the 'color' did not really hit her.
Since she was the odd one out, Aunty Jack decided to make up a story on the spot about how being hit with color brings disease. This sent both Thin Arthur and Kid Eager into a frenzy but after a while Aunty Jack was also smashed with color, bringing the entire show to a close with a laugh. The impressive special was produced to mock the conservative attitude and the resistance it puts up against innovation. The message delivered with such loved characters made it easy for them to make the transition from black and white to color.
Users in the comment section loved this throwback clip and @gullwingstorm857 shared his experience of watching the special back in the day, he wrote, "We watched it going up the screen, it was AWESOME!" @BakkiBoo recounted how brilliant all of it felt and commented, "Brilliant... I remember Colour TV coming in & thought HOW AMAZING it was!"