Starbucks Server Receives a Tip That She Will Remember for a Lifetime on Mother's Day

Mother's Day may be a reason to celebrate for those who could plan special gestures for their moms. But for those who have lost their mothers, such days bring back the pain and longing for a loved one. This is what happened with Starbucks Barista Courtney (@dopaqueen715), who was dreading the occasion since she had lost her mom. In order to celebrate her mother after she passed away Courtney wanted to buy an urn and bring her home but her financial situation made it impossible. Everything changed when one fine day she received a $200 tip at Starbucks simply for showing empathy to a customer when she needed it the most.

Courtney's part-time gig at Starbucks starts as the clock strikes 4.30 am and ends at 9.30 am. Despite, her shift being so early in the morning, the woman tries to be as cheerful as possible toward her customers. On 25th April, she encountered a customer who was visibly in a slump and decided to cheer her up. "This morning I was loud and proud and peppy and a woman came in and I could tell she was kinda struggling," Courtney begins.

The customer left the cafe in a cheerful mood and came back after two minutes to give a note to the manager, which had a message for Courtney. The manager sent forward the message to Courtney, who got emotional after reading it. The note said, "I’ve been here for two days and so far you have been the only person I have encountered that has been genuinely kind. You were the first face I saw this morning and you really brightened my day.” She went on to say, how Courtney's efforts will help her to have a better day. In order to express her gratitude, the customer left a $200 tip for Courtney. Even if she did not realize it at the moment, the tip meant the world to Courtney, as it gave her the funds required to buy an urn. "That $200 you put in that note today allows me to spend Mother's Day with my mom and I appreciate you so much. So if you're out there and you're on TikTok, thank you for the impact you that you made on my life, and I hope that you see this and know that you did something that I will never forget," Courtney explained.
@dopaqueen715 #greenscreen update on 5 AM groggy Starbucks woman and thank you to @Dawn for your generosity and kind heart #mysterykindness #5amgroggystarbuckswoman ♬ original sound - Shnortney
Not being able to reach the customer, Courtney took the help of social media to connect with her. In her follow-up videos, she shared how more people came forward to help her, with one approaching her directly at her full-time job. The follower matched the tip, and an overjoyed Courtney requested people to donate to others in need.

Among users in the comment section, @julzie67 wrote, "That $200 you put in that note today allows me to spend Mother's Day with my mom and I appreciate you so much. So if you're out there and you're on TikTok, thank you for the impact you that you made on my life, and I hope that you see this and know that you did something that I will never forget." @kmcmordo pointed out the spirituality in all of this and commented, "I'm not a spiritual person but I do believe in our loved ones sending us signs. Your Mom is so proud of you. That was her giving you a big hug."
@dopaqueen715 Tik tok! Help me get this message to her! #mysterykindness #goodsamaritan ♬ original sound - Shnortney
You can follow Courtney (@dopaqueen7) on TikTok for more of her life adventures.