Study Reveals the Age at Which People are Officially Considered Old by Gen Z and it's Pretty Brutal

Apart from their slang, trends, and lifestyle choices, Gen Zs are also known for their peculiar views on work ethics as well as age. A large number of people from this generation believe that once you are past your teens and early 20s, then you can be considered a senior citizen, while anyone aged 30 or above is considered "too old" by Gen Z. According to LADBible, the latest study conducted with 2,000 adults attempted to figure out the generational differences between boomers, millennials and Gen Z.

Boomers are those born between 1946 and 1964, Millennials were born between 1981 to 1996 and Gen Z were born between 1997 to 2012. This research was conducted by Wellsoon at Practice Plus Group which looked into the lifestyles, habits, and people's views on the society. The results showed that boomers are the most active despite being the oldest, and still spend a lot of time outdoors compared to Gen Z and millennials.
About 56% percent of boomers prefer to work out compared to 39% of millennials and Gen Z. However, the research also sheds some light on how 12 to 27-year-olds think that those older than them should hit retirement homes already. "Older generations are extremely active and many older people are more active than some of their younger friends and family members - with almost half of younger people saying being too busy with work and too tired held them back from being more active," a spokesperson from Wellson said, per the outlet. "Older people are getting the most out of retirement and have reached an age where they're comfortable in their own skin and appreciate their bodies and their health," they explained further.

The spokesperson also adds that "people who are aged 79 and older are the ones who love to have fun with friends and know how to overcome their hardships better compared to the younger generation." According to The New York Times, teens are shopping for anti-aging serums and are getting anxiety about aging "like mild," fearing the deterioration of their beauty and body. “There is a sense in which young people have forgotten what faces look like,” Renee Engeln, a 47-year-old psychology professor at Northwestern University and the director of the Body and Media Lab told the outlet. It's understandable because Gen Z grew up endlessly scrolling through idealized versions of their own faces and the faces of others on social media, looking at them through filters.
Another research shows how Gen Z perceives the older generation to be really old based on their clothes and behavior. "The survey suggests Gen Z’s reckon anyone over the age of 42 should not go clubbing," Ellie Glason from Perspectus Global, who commissioned the survey, told Metro UK. "Our latest research suggests that the cappuccino could soon be a thing of the past, along with Facebook, M&S underwear, and asking for milk and two sugars in your tea." The results of these studies has introduced a lot about perceptions between generations, and have also busted myths.