This Story of a Couple Finding Each Other Thanks to Their Grandmothers Will Leave You Feeling Mushy

Love can be found in the most unexpected places and things work like magic with a series of events culminating into a moment when two people come together as if they were always meant to. To tell a similar story, u/occultatum-nomen took a snapshot of a story from Instagram, and could not control herself from sharing it on r/wholesomemes thread. It's about Ben and Heather, who would have never known how much they had in common if not for their deceased grandmothers.

The story was shared by Ben and was in all probability a response to a question by @aliceinhoneyland. He begins the tale by stating that he had "inherited a bunch of china" from his grandmother. The number was so huge, that he was facing problems in storing them at his house. He began keeping an eye out for a "china cabinet." On the Facebook marketplace, he came across a woman who was selling "a gorgeous Victorian-style china cabinet" that she had inherited from her grandmother.

Heather was selling it off because she had no china to put in the cabinet and this made everything fall in place. Ben contacted her and they decided to meet, following which the duo realized that they had many common interests. They loved antiques, had the same major, and were of a similar age. Seeing an opportunity for a deeper connection, Heather gave Ben her number and he asked her out on a date. Both of them went out on his birthday and hit it off. Since then they are still together, and Heather now technically owns the cabinet.

Readers in the comment section were ecstatic for Ben and Heather. u/Gain-Outrageous wrote how the grandmothers might have reacted to the whole thing, "I'm imagining the two grandmas in the afterlife conspiring to make this happen." u/FoxStereo expressed his gratitude towards fate and wrote, "Talk about fate, lol. Plot twist: The two grannies secretly knew each other and planned this." u/Awesomeandkindaweird commented how the grandmothers were the best wing women the couple could have asked for, "Dang! Grannies set up their grandkids from beyond the grave. Skills." u/InfiniteCosmic5 continued the story and wrote, "I’d like to imagine that both grandmothers saw each other, gave a telling head nod, and proceeded to do an extremely crispy dap-up and continued on with their journey."
@dorisxuuu he said yes! 🔥 #promposal #prom #prom2024 #iwantitthatway #foryou #fyp #sac ♬ original sound - dx
Doris and her boyfriend were another couple whose tale triggered mushy reactions on social media. For her proposal, the girl along with her friends created a cute skit, to ask her boyfriend the all-important question. At first, her girlfriends entered the cafeteria singing the lyrics to the Backstreet Boys song, "I Want It That Way." They were wearing quirky costumes, which when put together spelled "Prom?" Three girls made their way to the boyfriend and handed him roses. Finally, the girl made her grand entrance with a signboard over her head that read, "Will you spike up my night at prom?" The boy was ecstatic and replied with a "Yes," pulling the girl in for a hug.