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Town in Norway wants 26-hour-long days. Here's the reason behind this revolutionary proposal

The town doesn't accept its proposal to be accepted, but it wants to tell people that their needs and well-being will be prioritized.
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Aphiwat chuangchoem
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Aphiwat chuangchoem

After the rise of trends such as work-from-home during the pandemic, people have started prioritizing a healthy work-life balance for focusing on personal well-being. But with work getting increasingly demanding and competitive, is the number of hours in a day enough for all that?

A McKinsey survey revealed that 77% of the employees in this generation want flexibility when it comes to their profession and give importance to time for their personal interests and relationships. Since GenZ forms a prominent part of the employee population, firms have made way for many changes to make them comfortable at the workplace. A town in Norway has also joined the bandwagon, by introducing a 26-hour day, as reported by Daily Mail. The authorities have presented a plan which would increase the hours in a day from 24 to 26, so that people would have more time for their loved ones. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Moose Photos
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Moose Photos

The proposal was submitted to the European Commission to "offer individuals the opportunity to enjoy more quality time" with their families, Politico reports. It was formulated by the authorities of the remote town of Vadso in Finnmark County, in the Arctic Circle. The authorities clearly didn't expect their idea to be accepted and on being asked how this time arrangement would work Pedersen replied, "I don't think they're going to say yes so we haven't thought about all the details." Their objective is to ensure that this idea is out in the open so more people can brainstorm about it. 

Image Source: MOSCOW, RUSSIA - DECEMBER 7: Russian president Vladimir Putin participates in the annual investment forum
Image Source: MOSCOW, RUSSIA - DECEMBER 7: Russian president Vladimir Putin participates in the annual investment forum "Russia calling!" at the World Trade Center on December 7, 2023 in Moscow, Russia. The Russian bank VTB Capital initiated its annual forum with the opening day event. (Photo by Vladimir Pesnya/Epsilon/Getty Images)

The officials of Vadso believe that "activities such as fishing, hunting, learning new languages, or simply being with loved ones" would become easier with this time system and attract new people to the town. Due to the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, it is of paramount importance that the town has a healthy population since it is located close to the border. They need people to keep their economy thriving while a war looms over their heads. This system will highlight the country's "unique way of life" that allows individuals to spend time on their interests rather than fretting about chasing transport to fulfill their work commitments. "We are one of the richest regions in Europe because […] we have more time," the mayor told Politico.

The authorities realize that the plan is a bit out there, and will take years to be implemented. Moreover, the EU has no control when it comes to timezones, it is the countries that zero in on their timezones. The aim was to get publicity and attract the required attention since the town wants its name to be the one backing the idea, as it clearly reflects its objectives. It wants people to know that their needs would be cared for there, and they wouldn't be treated as workhorses. The town wants to become the hub of employees who want to live a life dictated by their own comfort rather than age-old philosophies. The message is that the country would support them even if it has to replace the time system followed for decades.

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