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Unexpected act of kindness by a stranger at a Walmart store leaves woman overwhelmed

A mother who was on her routine grocery shopping trip did not expect to find the money on Walmart's floor and the eloquent message that came along with the cash.
Cover Image Source: Facebook | Queen City News
Cover Image Source: Facebook | Queen City News

Rising grocery prices have made trips to Walmart even more expensive, and as people try to save money at the supermarket, finding cash there is the last thing anyone would expect. But tough times have also brought out kindness among people, as TikTokers are helping each other pay off debts, while strangers are coming forward with random acts of generosity. In a story that sounds more like  modern-day fairytale, a woman who was on one of her regular grocery runs at a local Walmart in Charlotte, North Carolina, stumbled upon something precious on the shop's floor. Needless to say, it transformed her day and the story inspired many who came across it.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Anna Shvets
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Anna Shvets

According to Queen City News, a woman named Julia Stultz was going through the children's clothing section at the local Walmart when her son noticed an envelope lying idle on the floor. Stultz was intrigued and she picked it up to find a wholesome message inside along with a total of $100 in cash. "With Love, Amen. If this card has found you, open it – it’s yours. God is continually blessing you. May this gift bring you a little peace today. One day, please pay it forward. May the blessings of God be on you always! Your friend," the message on the note read.

Stultz was left stunned when she read through the beautiful message and collected five crisp $20 bills from the envelope. She told Queen City News in an interview that a random stranger's kind gesture has left her feeling overwhelmed with gratitude. Even though she might not get to meet the person who left the money and note behind and thank them, she will forever be grateful for this gesture. “I’ve always wondered if there was stuff like that in the world and I’ve always said if I have the chance to pay it forward, I would absolutely do it,” said Akili Omari, a shopper at Walmart.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Karolina Kaboompics
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Karolina Kaboompics

A video about this incident was shared on Facebook by the news outlet where netizens left their opinion on Stultz's encounter with the unidentified samaritan. Rose Schreyer wrote, "Restored my faith in humanity. I have always tried to be that person who helps the next, not just financially but by taking someone to the doctor, voting or just talking with one of the lonely seniors in my neighborhood." Sean AD remarked, "Now people will go to Walmart trying to find another card. I wonder who would be interested in this." 


Another example of unexpected kindness was witnessed by many during a subway ride in London. The incident was shared by a TikTok user @rosiemegangill in a video showing an elderly person who was struggling to hold his newspaper still while reading it. His hands shook and the movement of the train compartment wasn't making things any easier for him either. That is when a woman sitting across from him decided to hold one end of the newspaper so the elderly man could read it. She even flipped the pages of the newspaper when he needed it. The video was reposted by @GoodNewsCorres1 on X, revealing that the gentleman had Parkinson's disease which caused his hands to tremble as he tried to maintain his grip.


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