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Woman Refuses to Paint One Spot on Her Staircase. Here's the Heartbreaking Reason Behind it

THe woman decided to freshly paint the stairway at her home but kept one spot untouched because it reminded her of her pet.
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @shariblivin
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @shariblivin

Being a pet parent is a soothing experience for any human being that also teaches them a lot of things about life. But the pain of dealing with the loss of a furry friend is something no one can ever be prepared for. Sometimes pet parents keep something that belonged to their pet to preserve their memory and other times the deceased pets are also preserved through taxidermy.

Image Source: TikTok | @shariblivin
Image Source: TikTok | @shariblivin

Describing how she decided to preserve the memories of her furry pal, a woman called Shari, also known as @shariblivin on TikTok, posted a video where she showed that the stairs of her home really needed some renovation and repaint work done. "These old stairs needed some refinish so badly but you see there was this," Shari said in her viral video which garnered over 16 million views. then she turned her camera towards a particular step on the stairs where an asymmetric shape had formed and the old paint had faded away. That's when she revealed the story behind the faded patch on the step.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Helena Lopes
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Helena Lopes

"This was his step," Shari said while showing the picture of her late dog Max sleeping on his favorite spot on the stairs which has caused the paint to fade away. Max had passed away in 2023 and Shari recalled how Max used to put his head on her lap but later "went to sleep forever." She shared a few small clips and pictures of Max sleeping at the base of the stairs as well and him getting some head rubs from his human parents. Shari went on to add that she did paint the stairs and she does love them but she couldn't bring herself to paint over that faded spot which reminded her of Max. She has dedicated that particular step to her furry pal and it will be his forever.

Shari has also placed a plaque that records the date of Max's birth and death on the side of the step. The TikTok community and dog lovers poured in to offer their condolences and even shared their personal stories of losing their furry friends. @mirandatowells wrote: "There is not a day on this app I’m not crying over somebody’s dog." @melissastanley6 commented: "This is almost like my reaction to Red Dog Stop it I didn’t stop crying for weeks."

Image Source: TikTok | @sabinehedi
Image Source: TikTok | @sabinehedi

@scottishlass82 shared: "Oh this just got me in my heart! I lost my boy last Monday unexpectedly and it’s the worst pain." @readandriot remarked: "Please tell me you put a clear coat over his step!!! Then you won’t lose his shape." To this comment, Shari responded that she plans to continue putting coats of clear paint over that particular step so that the shape that her pooch left behind on the stairs remains forever. @its.mee.amber added: "This app is supposed to make me laugh! All I ever do is get my heart broken and cry my heart out over someone’s beautiful furbaby and yet I come back and I don't regret it. Rest in peace, Max."


I refinsihed my stairs… i oainted the steps black. But there was one step i could NOT paint over. One year ago today, my dog Max, passed away. He out his bead on my lap and went to forever sleep. He loved hos step. He even slept on it. Haha so i made it a forever tribute to him. The bestest dog, ever.

♬ original sound - Shari B


Follow @shariblivin on TikTok for more videos.

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